The School Rules and Code of Conduct apply to all learners who can fairly and reasonably be identified in any situation, at any time, as learners of Crossmoor Secondary School, whether in school uniform or not, and whether in the School or in a community/ public place.
MISSION STATEMENT: We, the stakeholders of Crossmoor Secondary School, commit ourselves to providing relevant, quality education in an environment conducive to the holistic development of each learner. VISION: Create an institution of excellence VALUES In pursuit of our vision we commit to the following values:
A. INTRODUCTION 1. PREAMBLE In the interest of an effective teaching and learning environment as well as the development of a sound co-curricular and extra-curricular programme at school, a safe, stable and disciplined atmosphere is a vital pre-requisite. In pursuance of these objectives and in order to ensure uniformity and consistency in effecting disciplinary measures, the "CODE OF CONDUCT" has been adopted by all Stakeholders at our school. It must be noted that no pupil should consider himself/herself to be above the school's "CODE OF CONDUCT' and that the policy would be applied EQUALLY to all pupils irrespective of race, gender, religious affiliations, socio-economic status etc.. Cognisance must also be taken of the fact that whilst the Code of Conduct primarily aims at being protective and preventive rather than punitive, the school will not hesitate in applying this policy to the fullest in cases that warrant such action. In order to allow for continuity and stability a two-third majority of all official/recognised stakeholders at school will be required to adopt/effect amendments/additions/deletions to the Code of Conduct.
Finally, parents/pupils who not understand any of the terms is this policy/document are welcome to approach the school for discussion and clarification. Parents/Guardians are also encouraged to engage in thorough discussion of the contents of this document with their child/ward.
A. THE RIGHTS OF LEARNERS Every learner has the right to: 1. learn and be taught in a safe and clean school environment. This simply implies that any other learner who in any way endangers the wellbeing of another learner now contravenes the right of that learner. THIS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. Learners are not to push, shove, fight or in any other way physically or verbally abuse another learner. WILFUL DISREGARD OF THE ABOVE WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE SUSPENSION.
2. attend classes regularly, free from interference, whether of a verbal or physical nature by any person. 3. receive tuition in all subjects, where practicable, according to the learner’s abilities. 4. receive regular feedback reflecting academic progress. 5. make responsible use of all school facilities subject to the availability and the limitations imposed by the school rules and general school organisation. RESPONSIBLE USE SUGGESTS THAT ANY FORM OF MISUSE OR VANDALISM WILL BE SERIOUSLY VIEWED. 6. be given timeous provision by the educational authorities of sufficient basic equipment and learning materials. 7. receive appropriate counselling for personal and/or educational problems. 8. request in writing to be excused from any activity which is against religious beliefs. 9. have reasonable access to relevant and appropriate school policy documents. 10. petition and survey learner opinion by following established and agreed procedures including the right to be represented by the Representative Council of Learners. 11. express their own opinions on issues in a reasonable manner. 12. follow an agreed procedure for expressing and resolving their grievances, including a method of appeal. 13. have privacy in their personal possessions UNLESS THE PRINCIPAL OR HIS/HER DESIGNEE HAS REASONABLE CAUSE TO BELIEVE THAT ILLEGAL OR HARMFUL MATERIALS POSSESSED BY THE LEARNER ARE BEING USED TO DISRUPT THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS, ENDANGER THE SAFETY, HEALTH AND WELFARE OF THE LEARNER HIMSELF/HERSELF AND/OR OTHERS. 14. attend a school free of drugs, weapons, drunkenness, bullying, intimidation or victimisation. 15. attend a school free of sexual harassment and criminal behaviour. 16. attend a school free of criticism of sexual preferences 17. attend a school that does not discriminate on the grounds of physical disability DISCIPLINE BEGINS AT HOME B. RESPONSIBILITY OF LEARNERS
All learners undertake to: 1. learn and perform to the best of their ability. 2. attend all classes daily and on time. 3. do all academic assignments and activities including homework. 4. be in possession of all appropriate working material. 5. be responsible for their own work. 6. respect all persons and property. 7. refrain from abusive language and inflammatory actions. 8. conduct themselves in a safe and responsible manner. 9. conform to normal, acceptable standards of personal cleanliness and neatness. 10. seek changes in an orderly and approved manner. 11. protect school property. 12. refrain from and report any unauthorised removals of school property from the school premises. 13. practise tolerance within the context of inter-personal relations in school. 14. respect diversity and show an appreciation for other cultures. 15. refrain from the use of drugs, assault, carrying of dangerous weapons, criminal or illegal activities, intimidation, bullying, sexual harassment, rape, victimisation, drunkenness, smoking or being in possession of pornographic material. 16.REFRAIN FROM CARRYING CELLULAR PHONES/ELECTRONIC DEVICES TO SCHOOL. LEARNERS WHO HAVE CELL PHONES ON THEIR PERSON DURING THE SCHOOL DAY WILL HAVE THE PHONES CONFISCATED. - “SIM” CARD MUST BE REMOVED AND RETAINED BY LEARNER. (Refer to the School’s Cell Phone policy) 17 conform to the school’s uniform code. ANY FEMALE LEARNER WEARING HER BELT OUTSIDE THE LOOPS OF HER DRESS OR WEARING THE BELT LOOSELY CAUSING IT TO HANG WILL HAVE HER BELT CONFISCATED. ALL MALE LEARNERS ARE EXPECTED TO HAVE THEIR SHIRTS NEATLY TUCKED INTO THEIR PANTS. A CONTRAVENTION OF THE ABOVE INSIDE OR OUTSIDE SCHOOL WILL BE DEEMED AS WILFUL DISREGARD OF THE SCHOOL’S DISCIPLINE CODE AND WILL BE SERIOUSLY VIEWED. 18. display student cards at all times, and must present cards to invigilators during tests and examinations. (FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN UNNECESSARY DELAY IN THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE TEST/EXAMINATION FOR THE DEFAULTING LEARNER.)
C. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE FOR LEARNERS 1. In an attempt to address grievances a learner must follow a set procedure, i.e. (1.Form Teacher/Subject Teacher > 2. Grade Controller/Subject Head > 3. Deputy Principal > 4. Principal) – consulting at different levels if necessary, until the matter is resolved. 2. Dissent or disrespect shown by a learner in respect of the above would constitute misconduct. (See F 4.2d) D. THE RESPONSIBILITY OF PARENTS/ GUARDIANS WITH REGARD TO LEARNERS (As stipulated in the S.A. Schools Act) Parents must ensure that: 1. they receive regular academic reports from the school regarding the child’s progress. 2. their child attends school each day and, is punctual and , in cases of absence, provide a reason for the absence. 3. they protect and ensure the rights of their child to learn. 4. their child attends school in good health and that he/she conforms to generally accepted norms of personal cleanliness and neatness. 5. they provide their child with the resources, basic equipment and learning materials needed to complete school work, both in class and at home. 6. they refrain from abusive language or inflammatory behaviour. 7. they bring to the attention of the school authorities any problem, condition or circumstance. 8. seek change in an orderly and approved manner. 9. they keep the school informed of any changes of address, contact details and other personal details as required. 10. they provide the school with the original birth certificate/identity document of the child and the original reports from the previous institutions at the time of enrolment. 11. they discuss report cards, work assignments, tests and homework with their children; and sign learner’s homework books on a daily basis. 12. their children abide by the rules, regulations and procedures set forth by the institution. 13. they endeavour to promote positive inter-personal relations between learner, educator and other parents in the best interest of the school. 14. they address the best educational interest of their child by becoming actively involved in the affairs of the school, by placing their talents and expertise at the disposal of the school by supporting sporting and cultural activities at the school. 15. they pay the school fees as determined by the school’s Governing Body. 16. they attend School meetings that are compulsory. E. THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EDUCATORS WITH REGARD TO LEARNERS Educators must ensure that they: 1. report regularly for duty and are punctual. 2. are well prepared on a daily basis to perform their educative tasks both within and outside the classroom and are in possession of the appropriate working materials. 3. respect all persons and property. 4. refrain from abusive language or actions. 5. conduct themselves in a responsible and professional manner. 6. abide by the rules, regulations, and procedures set out by the school and the provincial Department of Education. 7. conform to normal, acceptable standards of personal cleanliness and neatness. 8. adhere to the Code of Conduct set out by the South African Council for Educators. 9. endeavour to maintain a classroom and school atmosphere which promotes good behaviour and effective learning and teaching. 10. endeavour to plan a flexible work programme that will address the different needs, interests and abilities of the learners. 11. help develop good and sound working and inter-personal relations with colleagues and learners. 12. promote open and regular channels of communication between home and school and encourage parental participation in the affairs of the school. 13. encourage and endeavour to maintain learner involvement in the activities of the school. 14. encourage community involvement in the school in order to enhance the quality of education offered by the school to learners. 15. Refrain from improper physical contact with learners Refrain from any form of sexual harassment (physical or otherwise) of learners and any form of sexual relationship with learners.
1. ABSENCE / LEAVE 1.1 The academic school day starts at: 07:45 and ends at 14:30 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 07:45 and end at 13:30 every Friday. These times exclude extra-curricular activities and clubs. 1.2 Learners must be punctual to school every morning, during the change of periods and when reporting for sporting and other pre-scheduled events. Parents arriving late to drop off their child/ren MUST report to the office. 1.3 No person is allowed to be absent without the prior consent of the Principal. 1.4 A written note, signed by the parent / guardian, must be submitted to the office at least ONE school day before that on which the learner will be absent. 1.5 In cases of illness or unforeseen absence a letter giving full reasons for the absence and signed by the parent/guardian must be submitted to the form teacher on the day that the learner returns to school. 1.6 All appointments, medical, dental or other, must be scheduled for after the school day. 1.7 No learner may leave the school premises during the course of the school day. 1.8 Playing truant and bunking classes is viewed very seriously and a repetition of these misdemeanours will result in the suspension of the learner. 1.9 The school keeps a comprehensive record of all absence and leave taken. 1.10 Leave will only be granted to learners (boys and girls) if they can be picked up from school by their parents/guardians furnishing proper identification (valid SA Identity Document/ valid SA Passport). Such leave must be sanctioned by the Grade Controller. 1.11 In instances where a learner is absent on a Friday, the parent must call and inform the school before 08:00. 1.12 A learner that has been absent for an Exam/Controlled test/Test must produce a medical certificate on return. 2. GENERAL BEHAVIOUR OF LEARNERS
2.1 It is expected of learners to behave in a manner befitting young adults who wish to maximise their potential through exercising their rights and responsibilities towards their own education, without infringing on the rights and responsibilities of their fellow learner, educators, parents and the wider school community. 2.2 Learners will be courteous, conscientious, co-operative and will seek to maximise the benefits gained from inter-personal relations between all of the stakeholders. 2.3 Learners are expected to greet fellow learners, educators, parents, cleaning staff and visitors.
3. DRESS CODE 3.1 BOYS ATTIRE 3.1.1 Hair:
3.1.3 Shirts
3.1.4 Pants:
3.1.5 Belts:
3.1.6 Ties:
3.1.7 Blazer:
3.1.8 Jersey:
3.1.9 Shaving
3.1.10 No earrings, jewellery, accessories, coloured contact lenses, tattoos or body piercings are allowed. 3.1.11 Fingernails must be trimmed short and kept neat at all times. The use of any form of makeup is not permitted. 3.1.12 The use of skull caps is not permitted.
3.2 GIRLS ATTIRE 3.2.1 Dress:
3.2.2 Hair
Braiding is allowed in a linear pattern(straight rows) only.
3.2.3 Socks
(No long white socks will be allowed). 3.2.4 Shoes
3.2.5 Belts:
3.2.6 Ties:
3.2.7 Blazer:
3.2.8 Jersey:
3.2.9 White Pants/Scarves:
3.2.10 Winter woollies
3.2.11 Earrings:
3.2.12 Makeup:
3.2.13 Fingernails must be trimmed short and kept clean at all times. The use of nail polish is not permitted. 3.2.14 No jewellery, nose rings, accessories, coloured contact lenses, body piercings or tattoos are allowed. IF THE REQUIREMENTS STIPULATED ABOVE ARE NOT CONFORMED TO, THEN YOUR SON/DAUGHTER WILL BE DEALT WITH IN TERMS OF THE SCHOOL CODE OF CONDUCT PERTAINING TO MISDEMEANOURS. PERSISTENT DISOBEDIENCE MAY RESULT IN SUSPENSION OF THE CHILD. 3.3 PE Dress Code
The School Rules and Code of Conduct apply to all learners who can fairly and reasonably be identified in any situation, at any time as learners of Crossmoor Secondary School, whether in school uniform or not, and whether in the School or in a community/ public place.
4.1 Any contravention of the School Code shall be deemed misconduct. 4.2 The following are examples of cases of misconduct
Note: In instances where the nature of the misconduct is of a serious nature the parent/guardian would be summoned to school immediately.
4.3 REPORTING ON MISCONDUCT (see Misdemeanour Report Form)
4.3.1 First Offence
4.3.2 Second Offence
4.3.3 Third Offence
4.3.4 Report by Grade Controller